A. Blocks
B. Clods
C. Peds
D. Plates
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- Removal of top soil by soil erosion result in the loss of soil:
A. Nitrites
B. Nitrates
C. Nitrogen
D. Nitric and nitrous acids - In water logged soil plants cannot grow properly because the soil is:
A. Physiologically wet
B. Physiologically dry
C. Physically dry
D. None of the above - When a plant first begins to wilts permanently in a pot, its 54.5 gms of soil has 4.5 gms of water. The PWP of this soil is:
A. 4.50%
B. 9%
C. 8.25%
D. 16.50% - The ration of volume of pores in the soil to the total soil volume is referred to as:
A. Pore frequency ratio
B. Pore density ration
C. Pore abundance ratio
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A. Gravitational water
B. Capillary water
C. Field capacity
D. Storage capacity - The factors governing the structure of soil are called:
A. Topographic
B. Temperature
C. Biotic
D. Edaphic climax - Plants growing on burnt soil are called:
A. Heliophilous
B. Hydrophilous
C. Pyrophilous
D. Pyriform - Plants growing on externally cold soil are called:
A. Halophyte
B. Oxylophyte
C. Psychrophyte
D. Psammophyte - The science dealing with study of soil is called:
A. Geology
B. Pedology
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - Soil that is made-up of particles, that have been carried in water and thus deposited, is called:
A. Silt
B. Clay
C. Sub-soil
D. Loam
The correct answer to the question: "The permanent aggregates of soil are called:" is "Peds ".