A. Abundance
B. Density
C. Frequency
D. Phenology
Related Mcqs:
- The number of individuals of a species per sampling unit is called its:
A. Biomass
B. Abundance
C. Density
D. Frequency - Exotic species, which brought for plantation from some other country to our country or even from one ecosystem to other ecosystem are called, as exotic species like:
A. Pinus nigra – Japan
B. Euralyptus – Australia
C. Polunia – China
D. All of the above - Individuals of the same species in a particular locality constitute:
A. Population
B. Community
C. Flora
D. Fauna - The species characteristics are an expression of the genetic make up of an animal species influencing the extend and nature of ______.
A. Home range, breeding season
B. Longevity, territory and the niche
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - The number of individuals of a species in a particular ecosystem at a given constant due to:
A. Man
B. Parasites
C. Predators
D. Available food - Indian courser are the main bird species. Peafowl occurs in some areas of _______.
A. Cholistan
B. Thal
C. Thar
D. None of these - A branch of ecology which is concerned with the study of individual species at all stages of its life cycle in relation to environment is called:
A. Reproductive ecology
B. Autecology
C. Synecology
D. Ecological niche - The effect of individuals of the same species upon each other is called:
A. Reaction
B. Competition
C. Coaction
D. Ecesis - Prism sampling is / are:
A. Basis and back-grounds
B. It is a convenient way of thinking
C. The basal area of a stand can be obtained readily by multiplying rate and area
D. All of the above - Practical aspects of point sampling is / are:
A. Border lines cases
B. Slope correlation
C. Sweep of 360
D. Trees should be vertical and cross-section circular
E. All of the above
The correct answer to the question: "The number of sampling units expressed in percentage in which a particular species occurs is called its:" is "Frequency ".