A. Normal or geological
B. Accelerated
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these
Related Mcqs:
- Removal of top soil by soil erosion result in the loss of soil:
A. Nitrites
B. Nitrates
C. Nitrogen
D. Nitric and nitrous acids - The major types of wind erosion are:
A. Siltation
B. Soil creep
C. Suspension
D. All of the above - The major types of water erosion are:
A. Splash
B. Sheet
C. Rill
D. Gully
E. None of these - The major types of soil are recognized on the basis of their mode of accumulation and include:
A. Residual
B. Transported
C. Colluvial
D. Alluvial
E. All of the above - The major types of soil structure are:
A. Basis: The classification of soil structure is based on size shape and stability of soil aggregates. The soil aggregate may be of following forms
B. Major shape: Spheroidal, plate like, bloke like, prism like
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - Accelerated soil erosion factors are:
A. Soil erosion by water
B. Soil erosion by wind
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - Soil erosion factors include:
A. Amount of rainfall
B. Slope length
C. Slope gradient
D. Soil erodibility
E. All of the above - An important agrostological technique to check soil erosion in the initial stages is:
A. Ley farming
B. Land retirement
C. Basin listing
D. Contour farming - Soil erosion can be reduced by:
A. Reducing over grazing
B. Planting proper plants
C. Making dams
D. All of those - One of the following crops is the most effective in controlling soil erosion:
A. Cotton
B. Pigeon pea
C. Green gram
D. Maize
The correct answer to the question: "The major types of soil erosion are:" is "Both (a) & (b) ".