A. Chemical cycle
B. Biogeochemical cycle
C. Geological cycle
D. Geochemical cycle
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B. Euralyptus – Australia
C. Polunia – China
D. All of the above - In a comparative study of grassland ecosystem and pond ecosystem it may be observed that:
A. Primary and secondary consumers are similar
B. Both biotic and abiotic components are different
C. The biotic components are almost similar
D. The abiotic components are almost similar - The river mouth ecosystem is called:
A. Estuarine
B. Lotic
C. Lentic
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A. Savana
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C. Heterotrophic
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B. Consumer levels
C. Producer levels
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A. Standing quality
B. Climatic regime
C. Transducers
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A. Ectosome
B. Ecosphere
C. Microcosm
D. Holocene - In a stabilized ecosystem the P/R ratio is:
A. One
B. Less than one
C. More than one
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A. Microconsumers
B. Secondary consumers
C. Primary consumers
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B. Metalimnion
C. Hypolimnion
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