A. Tropical zone
B. Gangetic plains
C. Mangrove belt
D. Alpine zone
Related Mcqs:
- The characteristic genera are ______ with Junipers and occasionally Rhododendron or Ephedra:
A. Salix
B. Lonicera
C. Berberis
D. Cotoneaster
E. All of the above - The plant that has a characteristic component of the mangrove vegetation is:
A. Rhizophora mangle
B. Ficus religiosa
C. Mangifera indica
D. Prosopis specigera - Rhododendron is most prominent at an altitude of:
A. Above 9,000
B. At 6,000
C. 6,000-9,000
D. At sea level - Unutilized place for the growth of flora (vegetation) is:
A. Dark cave
B. Pond
C. River bank
D. Saline water - When cane plants grown in the forest, they scamble over other vegetation and this corresponds to:
A. Commensalism
B. Competition
C. Exploitation
D. None of these - Mangrove vegetation is found in:
A. Dehradun valley
B. Kullu valley
C. Western ghats
D. Sunderbans - Major characteristics of the vegetation of a locality are controlled:
A. By man only
B. Mainly by climate
C. By animals only
D. By altitude of a place only - The desert vegetation has been destroyed by incessant pressure of grazing by millions of:
A. Goats
B. Sheep
C. Camels
D. Cattle
E. All of the above - During ecological succession from pioneers to climax community the biomass of vegetation:
A. Increases, then decreases
B. Remains constant
C. Decreases continuously
D. Increases continuously - Vegetation of Trans-Himalayan grazing land can be divided into:
A. The foothill ranges
B. Dry temperate ranges
C. Valley depression grazing land
D. Alpine pastures
E. All of the above
The correct answer to the question: "Rhododendron is characteristic of vegetation of:" is "Alpine zone".