A. Algae and fungi
B. Algae and bryophytes
C. Algae and roots of gymnosperms
D. Fungi and roots of higher plants
Related Mcqs:
- A symbiotic association between fungus and roots of higher plants is known as:
A. Lichen
B. Mycorrhiza
C. Mutualism
D. None of these - The symbiotic association in which one partner gains benefit without benefiting or harming the other is known as:
A. Commensalism
B. Lichen
C. Mutualism
D. None of these - Symbiotic association in which both the partners get benefit and neither cansurvive without the other is called:
A. Mutualism
B. Commensalism
C. Parasitism
D. None of these - Mycorrhiza is an example of:
A. Decomposers
B. Endoparasitism
C. Ectoparasitism
D. Symbiotic relationship - Mycorrhiza is the:
A. Saprophytic association between fungus and the roots of seed plants
B. Parasitic association between fungus and the roots of seed plant
C. Symbiotic association between fungus and the roots of seed plants
D. All of the above - Mycorrhiza is the phenomenon of:
A. Antagonism
B. Parasitism
C. Endemism
D. Symbiosis - According to Mc Dougal, the parasitism caused due to fungi and bacteria represent a symbiotic relationship which is:
A. Social and antagonistic
B. Nutritive and antagonistic
C. Social and reciprocal
D. Nutritive and reciprocal - An association between a fungus and an alga is known as:
A. Lichen
B. Mycorrhiza
C. Mutualism
D. None of these - An association between two organisms belonging to different species, which live together for mutual benefit or on partner gets benefit and other, is neither benefited nor harmed is known as:
A. Predation
B. Parasitism
C. Symbiosis
D. None of these - The association of nodule bacteria with leguminous roots is known as:
A. Saprophytism
B. Symbiosis
C. Epiphytism
D. Parasitism
The correct answer to the question: "Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association between:" is "Fungi and roots of higher plants".