A. Phosphene
B. Nitrogen
C. Hydrogen
D. Nerve gas VX
Related Mcqs:
- The air pollution caused by phosphate fertilizer factories is due to:The air pollution caused by phosphate fertilizer factories is due to:
A. Phosphene
B. SiF4
C. Dust
D. Halogens - The atmospheric pollution is caused by:
A. O3
C. CO2
D. N2 - Phosphate pollution is caused by:
A. Phosphate rock only
B. Agricultural fertilizers only
C. Sewage and phosphate rock
D. Sewage and agricultural fertilizers - Pollution is not caused by:
A. Thermal power plant
B. Automobile
C. Radioactive power plant
D. Hydroelectric power plant - Minamata diseased was caused due to water pollution by:
A. Lead
B. Cyanides
C. Methyl isocyanate
D. Mercury - Air pollution is caused by:
A. Automobile exhausts
B. Radioactive substances
C. Smoke
D. All of the above - Thermal pollution in water bodies is caused due to discharge of:
A. Hot water from power plants
B. Hot chemicals from industries
C. Waste from mines
D. Waste from agricultural fields - Air pollution is maximum caused by:
A. Sewage and industrial effluents
B. Household detergents and pesticides
C. Automobile exhausts and chemicals from industry
D. Sewage and pesticides - Water pollution is caused by:
A. Decay of bodies of aquatic organisms
B. Rain
C. Growth of phytoplankton
D. Industrial effluents - Air pollution is not caused by:
A. Thermal power plant
B. Diesel engine
C. Hydroelectric power station
D. Pollen grain
The correct answer to the question: "Atmospheric pollution is also caused by the gas:" is "Nerve gas VX".