A. Productivity
B. Sustainability
C. Adoptability
D. All of the above
Related Mcqs:
- Additionally, Government will undertake to:
A. Arrange adequate and effective distribution of saplings and seeds at nominal cost
B. Promote the use of village shamlats for social forestry
C. Encourage rehabilitation of degraded forest lands
D. Consider the introduction of a forestry grant scheme
E. All of the above - The major categories of agroforestry are:
A. Agrisilvicultural
B. Silvopastoral
C. Agrosilvopastoral
D. All of the above - The framework for classification of Agroforestry System and practices are:
A. Structure of the system (nature and arrangement of components)
B. Function of the system (role and output of components)
C. Socio-economic seals and management levels of the system
D. All of the above - Agroforestry systems can be categorized to sets of criteria:
A. Structural basis
B. Functional basis
C. Socio-economic basis
D. Ecological basis
E. All of the above - Agroforestry the definition implies that:
A. Agroforestry normally involves two or more species of plants at least one of which is a woody perennial
B. An agroforestry system always has two or more outputs
C. The cycle of an agroforestry system is always more than one year
D. All of the above - The history of Agroforestry is:
A. Cultivating trees and agricultural crops in intimate combination with one another is an ancient practice that farmers have used throughout the world
B. Until the Middle Ages, it was the general custom to clear-fell degraded forest, burn the slash, cultivate food crops for varying periods on the cleared areas
C. Plant or sow trees before, along with
D. After sowing agriculture crops
E. All of the above - Common combinations of the agroforestry system in Pakistan are: Trees species: Agricultural crops grown with trees:
A. Poplars: wheat / maize / turmeric / sugarcane / vegetables / fodder
B. Eucalypts: wheat/sunflower/tomatoes/potatoes/chilies
C. Simal: maize/sunflower/vegetables/fodder
D. Shisham: turmeric/wheat/maize/vegetables
E. All of the above - The main economic constraints of agroforestry are:
A. Reduces output of staple food cross, where trees compete for use of arable land and or depress crop yields.
B. In compatibility of trees with agricultural practices such as free grazing, burning, common fields
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - Constraints with respect of agroforestry:
A. There are several problems that hinder the acceptance of agroforestry concepts
B. And their use as tools in rural development
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - The main constraints of agroforestry are:
A. Introduction of technological procedures not suited to the prevailing socio-economic situations
B. While agroforestry enterprise may be attractive
C. Political will and commitment
D. Increasing number of institution without clear definition of functions, good and effective coordination
E. All of the above
The correct answer to the question: "Additionally, there are attributes, which, theoretically, all agroforestry system possess are:" is "All of the above".