A. It is the most basic form of calculating interest.
B. It earns profit not only on principal but also on interest.
C. It is calculated by multiplying principal by rate multiplied by time.
D. It does not take into account the accumulated interest for calculation.
The correct answer to the question: "Which of the following statement is CORRECT regarding compound interest?" is "It earns profit not only on principal but also on interest.".
Which of the following statement is CORRECT regarding compound interest?
Option B. It earns profit not only on principal but also on interest.
Thanks. answer updated
the above MCQs is wrong. the above statement is correct for simple interest
Thanks for correction. answer updated
Which of the following statement is CORRECT regarding compound interest?
A. It is the most basic form of calculating interest.
B. It earns profit not only on principal but also on interest.
C. It is calculated by multiplying principal by rate multiplied by time.
D. It does not take into account the accumulated interest for calculation.
You marked C is the answer but the right answer is B.
Explanation: definition of simple interest – It is calculated by multiplying principal by rate multiplied by time.
definition of compound interest- It earns profit not only on principal but also on interest.
Reference: Financial Accounting-1 and 2 written by Miegs Walliam-Eleventh Edition
Thanks for correction. answer updated
The Correct answer of this MCQ is “B”.
as per your answer “C” showing the detail of Simple Interest.
Thanks. answer updated