A. Jupiter
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Mercury
Mercury is the fastest planet, which speeds around the sun at 47.87 km/s. In miles per hour this equates to a whopping 107,082 miles per hour.
The correct answer to the question: "The planet that moves round the Sun at the highest speed is_________?" is "Mercury".
I think this is jupiter
Jupiter is fastest around it’s own axis. 10 hours, please find at bellow reference:
Jupiter has fastest spin motion around its axis but the fastest motion around the sun is mercury
It is mercurt
Jupiter is the planet that moves around the Sun at the highest speed
I also agree with you , and ans should be Jupiter , Please rectify the ans
Mercury Is correct answer. Jupiter revolves around its axis at the highest speed than any planet. it completes one revolution in about 10 hrs. bur mercury complete its revolution around the sun quickest..
Jupiter is right
its murcury
Highest speed is of Jupiter. Not Mercury.
No the fastest planet is the Jupiter . The period of rotation around sun of mercury is 59 days while the rotational period of jupitar is 9 hours .
Mercury is the fastest planet. It covers one rotation round the sun in 88 days
correct answer is murcury
Mercury: 47.87 km/s (107,082 miles per hour), or a period of about 87.97 days
Jupiter: 13.07 km/s (29,236 miles per hour), or a period of about 11.86 years
Mercury takes 88 days to orbit around the sun…so Mercury is right answer.
But Mercury is the fastest planet, zipping around the Sun every 88 Earth days (NASA)
Mercury is the closest planet to the earth.in past ,venus was considered closest planet to the earth
Revolution period of jupiter is 9 hours 50 mint. So this is fastest planet in moving around the sun. Also greatest planet in our solar system is Jupiter
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and is also the nearest planet to Earth. It’s a small, rocky planet with a thin atmosphere and extreme temperature variations between its scorching daytime and freezing nighttime sides.
according to physics , the planet nearest to sun will move fastest around the sun. and the planet having higher gravity will spin fastest around its own axis(jupiter)
Given answer is right .
Thank you so much for this grand mcq set . My knowledge about science have been growing because of this .
mercury is the fastest revolving planet, its orbital velocity is 47.36km/hr while jupiter’s orbital velocity is 13.06km/hr. However, jupitor is fastest spinning planet. So the correct answer is mercury.