A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
Related Mcqs:
- Fill in the blank. Although Sir Philip Sidney is writing 200 years before the …. revolution, he presents a very inward and self-absorbed narrator in “Astrophil and Stella.” ?
A. Medieval
B. Victorian
C. Romantic
D. None of the above - “Astrophel and Stella” is a ?
A. Allegory
B. Epic
C. Sonnet
D. Ballad - Total number of sonnets written by Shakespeare______________?
A. 102
B. 154
C. 163
D. 194 - Who wrote “Holy Sonnets” ?
A. Edmund Spenser
B. John Donne
C. Shakespeare
D. John Milton - How many sonnets did William Shakespeare write ?
A. 164
B. 145
C. 154
D. 126 - How many sonnets did William Shakespeare write ?
A. 110
B. 154
C. 175
D. 187 - How many sonnets are attributed to Shakespeare ?
A. 12
B. 67
C. 154
D. 200 - In his reading of Shakespeare’s “Fair Youth Sonnets,” who does Charlton Ogburn suppose Shakespeare to have really been ?
A. Marlowe
B. Swift
C. Oxford
D. Bacon - Which of the following are not among the subjects of Shakespeare’s sonnets ?
A. The Dark Lady
B. Shakespeare’s father
C. A young man
D. A rival poet - Who is the main focus of a number of Shakespeare’s sonnets ?
A. The Dark Lady
B. Hamlet
C. Christopher Marlow
D. Hamnet Shakespeare