A. Megabyte
B. Gigabyte
C. Terabyte
D. None of these
The smallest unit of data in a computer is called Bit (Binary Digit). A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1. In most computer systems, there are eight bits in a byte. among the following: Megabyte is the smallest.
The correct answer to the question: "Which of the following is the smallest storage?" is "Megabyte".
Which of the following is the smallest storage?
A. Megabyte
B. Gigabyte
C. Terabyte
D. None of these
Answer option is “A” ( MegaByte ) from given option but Actual smallest storage is Bit.
we have already explained it
admin the correct answer is A, not D, because he asking us the smallest storage not the memory unit.
Admin If you are not computer expert then please change it to Answer A.
Exp: First of all the question is “which of the following”. Commonsense of every one will know If its Bit mentioned in the MCQ.
Unfortunately you have not read and understand properly.
With respect please change to A. Its the correct answer.
Regards: Network Expert
The question is which of the following is smallest so you have to chose smallest from the given memory so Answer is “Megabyte”
Please focus on word Following according to question Answer is “MB”
It will be good if you update it on main page.
Question is which of the following is smallest storage, so opition A (Megabyte) should be the correct one. As we have to choose smallest among these available choices
You are right but admin is also explained but answer is wrongly selected.
the used “Which of the following”
smallest storage is” nible”
where did you explained it Admin Sakhib????
A from the given option
Absolutely bro, its A.
Non of them is storage. these are memory units.
The question says which of the following, so the right answer is A. Megabyte
Question is doubtful. According to question options “A” is correct but if we see in deep
bit is the smallest storage.
But here you ask that “from the following” which means that we must have to choose from the following choices
No, option A is correct because nature of question is related to the following option, so we have to select from the following options.
So examiner asked which of the following it will be #megabyte if there is only world smallest then we will say nibble.
You mentioned that which of the following…so following mean in these thre here no option for bit is present, hence option A is correct
which of following means nechi jo option deyi gayi hai es me konsa smallest hai .And the smallest one is megabyte so this is the right one
which of the following means nechi jo option deyi gayi hai es me konsa smallest hai .And the smallest one is megabyte so this is the right one
There are no need to explain if see to question then answer (a)