A. 1024 bits
B. 1032 megabytes
C. 1024 kilobytes
D. 1024 megabytes
The size of information in the computer is measured in Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB), Gigabytes (GB), and Terabytes (TB).
1 Kilobyte (KB) = about 1 thousand bytes (or 1024 bytes to be precise)
One Megabyte (MB) is about 1 million bytes (or about 1024 Kilobytes (KB)).
One Gigabyte (GB) is about 1 billion bytes, or (1024 Megabytes MB).
One Terabyte (TB) is about roughly 1 trillion bytes or 1024 gigabytes (GB).
The correct answer to the question: "1 Gigabyte is equal to ____________?" is "1024 megabytes".
I gigabyte equals to 1000 megabytes
no you are wrong bro.
1000 megabytes
Good study
1 Gigabyte is equal to 1000 megabit
Please Change the answer
1 gigabyte is 1,073,741,824 (230) bytes.
1,024 megabytes,
1,048,576 kilobytes
An Admin Answer is correct (1,024 megabytes)
1000 megabytes
Dear according to Computer knowledge 1024 is correct answer
1 Gigabyte = 1000 Megabytes
1024 Mega Bytes… let me explain you.
8 bit = 1 Bite
1024 byte = 1 Kilo Byte
1024 KB = 1 Mega Byte
1024 MB = 1 Gega Byte
1024 GB = 1 Tera Byte…
Dont be compare with Internet MBs… like Mobile Network provider Companies gave you free MBs like 1000 MBs but it doesn’t mean that is 1GB…
thank you
Zia ul Hassan
+92 342 3555511
Well explained…
It used to be 1024 mb but bow it is 1000 mb according to international standards.
4 bit=1 nibble
2nibble =1 byte
8bits=1 bite
2^10 byte =1024 Byte=1 Kb
2^10 kilo byte=1024 Kb=1 Mega byte
2^10 Mb=1024 Mb=1 Gega byte
2^10 Gb=1024 Gb=1 Tera Byte
+92 3316638768
1 gigabyte is 1,073,741,824 (230) bytes.
1,024 megabytes,
1,048,576 kilobytes
An Admin Answer is correct (1,024 megabytes)
1000 Megabytes Is Correct Answer. Admin If Posted Wrong Answer In MCQS. Then Plz See The Comments Of Right Answer, Then Edit And Plz Correct The MCQS Answer. Because Every 1 Numbers Is Important For All Candidates In The Test … Its Request You .. Thanks