B. CA2
C. CA3
D. CA4
Related Mcqs:
- In a chemical reaction as shown in the bellow figure, it is observed that the (i) Rate of formation of ‘P’ is doubled on doubling the concentration of ‘X’ (ii) Rate of formation of ‘P’ is quadrupled on doubling the concentration of ‘Y’ (iii) Doubling the concentration of ‘Z’ does not affect the rate of formation of ‘P’ What is the order of the above chemical reaction ?
A. Zeroth order
B. First order
C. Second order
D. Third order - What is the order of a chemical reaction of the bellow figure, if the rate of formation of ‘C’, increases by a factor of 2.82 on doubling the concentration of ‘A’ and increases by a factor of 9 on trebling the concentration of ‘B’ ?
A. 7/2
B. 7/4
C. 5/2
D. 5/4 - What is the order of chemical reaction as shown in the bellow figure, if it is found that the reaction rate doubles on doubling the concentration of B and also the reaction rate doubles when the concentrations of both A & B were doubled and quadrupled when the concentrations of both B & C were doubled ?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4 - Rate constant for a first order reaction does not depend upon reaction time, extent of reaction and the initial concentration of reactants; but it is a function of reaction temperature. In a chemical reaction, the time required to reduce the concentration of reactant from 100 gm moles/litre to 50 gm moles/litre is same as that required to reduce it from 2 gm moles/litre to 1 gm mole/litre in the same volume. Then the order of this reaction is ?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3 - Second order consecutive irreversible reaction as shown in the bellow figure, were carried out in a constant volume isothermal batch reactor with different initial feed compositions. Reactor temperature was same in all the cases. In experiments where the ratio of concentration of B to that of A in the initial feed was less than 0.5, the concentration of B increased first, reached a maximum and then declined with time. However, for all experiments where this concentration ratio was 0.5 or above, concentration of B decreased monotonically with time right from the beginning. What is the ratio of the two rate constants (k1/k2) ?
A. 1/4
B. 1/2
C. 2
D. 4 - For the chemical reaction X → Y, it is observed that, on doubling the concentration of ‘X’, the reaction rate quadruples. If the reaction rate is proportional to Cx n, then what is the value of „n‟ ?
A. 1/4
B. 2
C. 4
D. 16 - The rate equation for the reaction represented by as shown in the bellow figure, is given by – rx = K1 . Cx/(1 + K2 Cx). At high value of Cx (i.e.., K2Cx > > 1), the order of the reaction and the rate constant are respectively___________________?
A. Zero order & K1/K2
B. Zero order & K1
C. First order & K1
D. First order & K1/K2 - For the chemical reaction P → Q, it is found that the rate of reaction doubles as the concentration of ‘P’ is doubled. If the reaction rate is proportional to Cp n, then what is the value of ‘n’ for this chemical reaction ?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3 - The value of ‘n’ for a chemical reaction A → B, whose reaction rate is → CA n, will be _______________ if the rate of the reaction increases by a factor of 8, when the concentration of is doubled?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3 - Rate of a gaseous phase reaction is given by the reaction shown in the bellow figure. The unit of rate constant is__________________?
A. (atm)-1
B. (hr)-1
C. (atm)-1.(hr)-1
D. atm.(hr)-1