Sensation And Perception

Sensation And Perception

A. People can learn different search strategies, but it does not improve performance over all or on tasks where a target is present
B. People cannot shift from serial to parallel processing when targets are present
C. People can learn different search strategies and training does improve performance overall
D. People can learn different search strategies but it does not improve performance over all or on tasks where a target is absent

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A. Livingstone and Hubel described actively in a third type of column in V2, where the cells receive converging input from the magno and parvo systems
B. Livingstone and Hubel suggested that some columns in V2 are used for spatial pattern analysis.
C. Quantitative studies have found that perceived depth is reduced in red/green images of the same brightness
D. All are correct

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A. Visual system relies on other people’s Knowledge of objects to identify ambiguous stimuli
B. Visual information about protruding objects is impossible to process
C. Visual system relies on assumptions about the physical world to identify ambiguous stimuli
D. Both (a) and (c)

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