A. Something is approved of by the gods because it is holy
B. Something gets approved of by the gods because it is holy
C. What is holy is what is approved of by the gods
D. Something is approved of by the gods because it gets approved of by the gods
Western Political Thoughts
Western Political Thoughts
A. Something is approved of by the gods because it gets approved of by the gods
B. Something gets approved of by the gods because it is holy
C. What is holy is what is approved of by the gods
D. Something is holy because it is approved of by the gods
A. We disagree about whether or not the person committed the crime as stated
B. We disagree about whether or not that crime warrants pubishment
C. We disagree about whether or not that crime warrants so harsh a pubishment
D. We disagree about whether the person prosecuting has any right to prosecute, given the circumstances
A. The relationship between the legs of a right triangle and its hypotenuse
B. Plato’s Theory of Forms
C. Whether or not it is just to punish one’s father
D. The distance between Athens and Sparta
A. Morgan, Edmund S
B. Catherine Boone
C. Horn, David Bayne
D. Crick, Bernard
A. Mathew McCubbins
B. Thompson, J.W and S.K. Padover
C. Collini, Stefan, Donald Winch, and John Burrow
D. Kammen, Michael
A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
B. Morgan, Edmund S
C. Amadae, S.M and Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
D. Kevin Phillips
A. Thompson, J.W., and S.K. Padover
B. Small, Melvin
C. Noan Chomsky
D. Jones, Dorothy V
A. Mathew McCubbins
B. Horn, David Bayne
C. Francis Fukuyama
D. None of these
A. Noam Chomsky
B. Langley, Lester D
C. T.E. Cronin
D. Kevin Phillips