A. He initially denied the crime but then admitted it and made restitution
B. He blained a maid and remained silent when she was punished
C. He immediately confessed
D. He ran away but not before returning the stolen items
Western Political Thoughts
Western Political Thoughts
A. Free enterprise, unrestrained by government interference
B. A Republic in which there is universal suffrage (for property owning males)
C. Replacement of autocratic governments by Athenian style democracy
D. Submission to the “general will” of the citizenry
A. A new social contract
B. Democratic reforms
C. Revolution
D. Socialism
A. Workers of the world unite
B. Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest
C. Put the child in his place and keep him there
D. Man was born free, but he is everywhere in chains
A. A Noble Savage
B. Solitary, nasty and brutish
C. A blank slate
D. Totally corrupted
A. 14th July 1778
B. 12th July 1778
C. 2nd July 1778
D. 27th July 1778
A. London, Britain
B. Geneva, Switzerland
C. Ermenonville, France
D. None of these
A. 28th June 1711
B. 28th June 1712
C. 26th June 1713
D. 28th June 1714
A. Preservation
B. Security
C. Peace
D. Nothing of any value
A. Slavery
B. A social contract
C. Nature
D. Force