A. Hobbes
B. Laski
C. Machiavelli
D. Green
Public Opinion
Public Opinion
A. Ernest Barker
B. H.J. Laski
C. Lord Bryce
D. Gettell
A. Public opinion is definite opinion
B. Public opinion is based on sound arguments and reasons
C. Gererally it is the opinion of the intellectual minority
D. Public opinion is based on common good
A. Imparts committed education
B. Helps in developing moral character
C. Helps in developing sound physique
D. Helps in developing freethinking
E. Ensures that all get free education
A. It is under party control
B. It is under government control
C. It is highly critical of opposition policies
D. It is highly critical of government policies
E. It is impartial and free
A. Circulation of political literature
B. Freedom to political parties to spread ideas
C. Removal of illiteracy
D. Widespread illiteracy
E. Periodical elections
A. Committed press
B. Controlled mass media
C. Single party political system
D. Widespread education
E. Disparities in wealth
A. Free mass media
B. Unicameral legislature
C. Single party dominant government
D. Communist system of government
E. None of the above
A. Cooperative societies
B. Controlled
C. Committed judiciary
D. Open platform
E. Single party legislature
A. To control the arbitrariness of the government
B. To awaken public consciousness on ;oblic issues
C. To help contact between de-facto and de-jure sovereign
D. To enable people to participate directly in the process of legislation
E. None of these