A. J.S. Mill
B. Roucek
C. Lord Bryce
D. Laski
Public Opinion
Public Opinion
A. Britain
B. Germany
C. Sweden
D. U.S.A.
A. U.S.A.
B. U.S.S.R.
C. India
D. All the above
A. Public opinion is necessarily majority opinion
B. Public opinion is the opinion of all the people of the society
C. Public opinion is opposed to common good
D. Public opinion is the reasoned and conscious opinion of the dominant action of community based on the ideal of general welfare and common-good
A. Bryce
B. Barker
C. Garner
D. Graham Wallas
A. The Press
B. Eeducational Institutions
C. Political Parties
D. None of the above
A. Unscrupulous press
B. Superstition and conservatism
C. Absence of civil liberties
D. Educational institutions
A. Enacting laws
B. By prescribing the duties of citizens
C. By granting rights
D. By focusing public attention on various problems facing the country during the course of parliamentary debates
A. These help in maintaining link between the people and the representatives
B. These provide political education to common man
C. These focus attention of the people on international political issues
D. These highlight failings and faltering of each other
E. None of the above
A. The government should be coalition one
B. The government should be non-aligned
C. The government should bot control mass media
D. There should be single party system
E. The women should have right to vote