A. 758 km
B. 1058 km
C. 1258 km
D. None of these
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
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A. 758 km
B. 1058 km
C. 1258 km
D. None of these
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
A. January 10, 1966
B. February 10, 1966
C. March 10, 1966
D. None of these
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
A. Tianchi Lake
B. Tibetan Lake
C. Mapam Lake
D. None of these
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
A. 1957
B. 1958
C. 1960
D. None of these
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
A. Noor ul Amin
B. A. K. Fazlul Haq
C. Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman
D. None of these
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
A. 70 million
B. 50 million
C. 60 million
D. None of these
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
A. 24 October 2006
B. 24 November 2006
C. 24 December 2006
D. None of these
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
A. Dhaka
B. Karachi
C. Istanbul
D. None of these
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
A. February 7, 1949
B. March 7, 1949
C. April 7, 1949
D. None of these
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
A. Durand Line
B. Wakhan Corridor
C. Amu Darya
D. None of these
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
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