A. Hypoxia
B. Hypothermia
C. HbF
D. Increased pH
Respiratory System
Respiratory System
A. Stagnant hypoxia
B. Anemic hypoxia
C. Histotoxic hypoxia
D. Hypoxic or arterial hypoxia
A. Alkalosis
B. Hypoxia
C. Increased HbF
D. Hypothermia
A. Dopamine metabolism
B. Adrenaline metabolism
C. Serotonin metabolism
D. PGE2 production
A. Ciliary motility
B. Cellular hyperplasia
C. Mucous secretion
D. All of the above
A. Autonomic reflex
B. Bainbridge reflex
C. Herring – Breur reflex
D. Dynamic stretch reflex
A. The relative proportion of reduced and oxygenated hemoglobin
B. The absolute amount of reduced hemoglobin
C. Thickness of the skin
D. Fragility of capillaries
A. Intrapulmonary pressure falls
B. Intra thoracic pressure rises
C. Intra-abdominal pressure rises
D. The partial pressure of O2 in dead space rises
A. P50 and oxygen affinity decrease
B. P 50 and oxygen affinity increase
C. P 50 decreases and the oxygen affinity increases
D. P50 increase and the oxygen affinity decreases
A. Decrease in arterial carbon dioxide level
B. Increase in arterial carbon dioxide level
C. Increase in arterial oxygen level
D. None of the above