A. 200 ML
B. 400 ML
C. 600 ML
D. 800 ML
Respiratory System
Respiratory System
A. Increased workload, decreasing duration of exercise
B. Increased workload, increasing duration of exercise
C. Decreasing workload, increasing duration of exercise
D. Decreasing workload, decreasing duration of exercise
A. Air conditioning
B. Drug absorption
C. Gaseous exchange
D. Reserve volume
A. is inversely related to lung compliance
B. remains constant during exercise
C. is not affected by respiratory
D. decreased in lying posture
A. Increased 2,3 BPG
B. Increased temperature
C. Increased concentration of carbon – di – oxide
D. Increased concentration of oxygen
A. Increase in respiratory rate
B. Increases in depth of respiration
C. Increase in oxygen carrying capacity of blood
D. Increase in partial pressure of CO2
A. It is secreted by Type II pneumocytes
B. It contains lecithin and sphingomyelin
C. It increases surface tension
D. It prevents collapse of smaller alveoli
A. Haldane effect
B. Bohr effect
C. Breur effect
D. Hamburger effect
A. Base of lung
B. Apex of lung
C. Posterior lobe of lung
D. Middle lobe of lung
A. Tidal volume
B. Inspiratory reserve volume plus expiratory volume
C. Tidal volume plus inspiratory reserve volume plus expiratory reserve volume
D. Expiratory reserve volume plus reserve volume