A. Nucleus tractus solitarius
B. Nucleus ambigous
C. Dorsal nucleus of vagus
D. Long tract of trigeminal nerve
Nerve Supply of Head and Neck
Nerve Supply of Head and Neck
A. Vagus nerve
B. Glossopharyngeal nerve
C. Accessory nerve
D. Internal carotid artery
A. Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
B. Facial nerve
C. Glossopharyngeal nerve
D. Hypoglossal nerve
A. Stylopharyngeus
B. Palatophary negus
C. Geniohyoid
D. Genioglossus
A. Facial nerve
B. Glossopharyngeal nerve
C. Trigeminal nerve
D. None of the above
A. Lacrimal gland
B. Nasal gland
C. Submandibular gland
D. Parotid gland
A. Arises from the medulla oblongata
B. Transverses through parotid gland
C. Suppleis muscles of mastication
D. Carries no taste fibres
A. Chorda tympani nerve
B. Deep peterosal nerve
C. Greater petrosal nerve
D. Lesser petrosal nerve
A. Superior thyroid artery
B. Middle thyroid vein
C. Inferior thyroid artery
D. Inferior parathyroid
A. Occipito – frontalis
B. Anterior belly of digastric
C. Risorius
D. Procerus