A. Anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid , tensor tympani , tensor palati
B. Posterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid
C. Stapes, malleus, incus
D. Anterior belly of digastric, stapes
Nerve Supply of Head and Neck
Nerve Supply of Head and Neck
A. Is in relation to maxillary nerve
B. Receives preganglionic parasympathetic fibers, through the greater superficial petrosal nerve
C. Sends postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to auriculotemporal nerve
D. Is related to the tensor tympani
A. Masseteric and auriculotemporal nerve
B. Superficial temporal nerve
C. Facial nerve peripheral branch
D. Posterior auricular nerve
A. Medial pterygoid
B. Masseter
C. Buccinator
D. Anterior belly of digastric
A. Sensory branch arises from anterior trunk
B. Muscles of mastication are innervated by branches of main trunk
C. Nerve to medial pterygoid arises from main trunk
D. Buccal nerve innervated buccinator muscle
A. Lingual nerve
B. Inferior alveolar nerve
C. Mylohyoid nerve
D. None of the above
A. Buccal branch of the facial nerve
B. Buccal branch of the mandibular nerve
C. Mandibular branch of the facial nerve
D. Mental nerve
A. 2nd optic nerve
B. 4th nerve
C. 6th nerve
D. Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve
C. V
A. Muscles which close the eyelid are supplied by the facial nerve
B. Muscles which open the eyelid are supplied by the branch of trigeminal nerve
C. Sensory supply is by the 5th cranial nerve
D. Blood supply is by the lacrimal and ophthalmic arteries