A. air used for combustion sent under pres-sure
B. forced air for cooling cylinder
C. burnt air containing products of combustion
D. air used for forcing burnt gases out of engine’s cylinder during the exhaust period
E. air fuel mixture
I.C. Engines
I.C. Engines
A. 1/2
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
E. 8
A. instantaneous and rapid burning of the first part of the charge
B. instantaneous atuo iginition of last part of charge
C. delayed burning of the first part of the charge
D. reduction of delay period
E. all ot the above
A. it is properly designed
B. best quality fuel is used
C. can not work as it is impossible
D. flywheel size is proper
E. engine cooling is stopped
A. 1 valve
B. 2 valves
C. 3 valves
D. 4 valves
E. no valve
A. uniform throughout the mixture
B. chemically correct mixture
C. about 3-5% rich mixture
D. about 10% rich mixture
E. about 10% lean mixture
A. minimum temperature to which oil is heated in order to give off inflammable vapours in sufficient quantity to ignite momentarily when brought in contact with a flame
B. temperature at which it solidifies or congeals
C. it catches fire without external aid
D. indicated by 90% distillation temperature, i.e., when 90% of sample oil has distilled off
E. temperature at which it flows easily
A. 0.3 kg/hr
B. 1 kg/hr
C. 3 kg/hr
D. 5 kg/hr
E. 10 kg/hr
A. 1 m3
B. 5 m3
C. 5-6 m3
D. 9-10 m3
E. 15-18 m3
A. 8 : 1
B. 10 : 1
C. 15 : 1
D. 20 : 1 and less
E. will work at all ratios