A. Away
B. On
C. Out
D. Of
Fill in the blanks Mcqs
Fill in the Blanks Mcqs with answers – Complete the sentences.
Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate word, from the given lettered choices (A to D) below each.
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A. To making
B. Making
C. Makes to
D. Make
Submitted by: Ahmed khan
A. Iron made
B. Impenetrable
C. Prominent
D. Oval
Submitted by: Jawad Ali
A. Placing
B. Coin aging
C. Melting
D. Transforming
Submitted by: Jawad Ali
A. New venture
B. Bankruptcy
C. Divided declaration
D. Annual BOD meeting
Submitted by: Jawad Ali
A. Disappointing
B. Useless
C. Vigorous
D. Instrumental
Submitted by: Jawad Ali
A. Delicious
B. Spicy
C. Inedible
D. Nourishing
Submitted by: Jawad Ali
A. have gone
B. went
C. am gone
D. am going
A. Beside
B. Along
C. Across
D. None of These
Submitted by: Ahmed Khan jamali
A. a
B. an
C. The
D. None
Submitted by: Sajjad Ahmed