A. Q = [(4 + )/(18 + )] q
B. Q = [(18 + P)/(4 + )] q
C. Q = [(18 + )/(4 + )] q
D. Q = [(5 + )/((15 + )] q
Waste Water Engineering
Waste Water Engineering
A. /2
B. /4
C. /3
D. D
A. Hydrogen sulphide
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Methane
D. Oxygen
A. Imhoff tanks
B. Trickling filters
C. Sludge sedimentation tanks
D. None of these
A. 1 in 60
B. 1 in 100
C. 1 in 120
D. None of these
A. Raising low lying areas by dumping
B. Concreting
C. Both A. and B.
D. Neither A. nor B
A. Total organic solids
B. Total solids
C. Total in organic solids
D. Settleable solids
A. When sewage is fresh
B. When diluting water has high dissolved oxygen content
C. When diluting water is used for water supply near the point of sewage disposed
D. When the diluting water is having flow currents
A. 1 in 100 upward
B. 1 in 500 upward
C. 1 in 100 downward
D. 1 in 503 upward
A. H2SO4
C. HCl
D. None of these