A. pipe diameter
B. throat diameter
C. angle of diverging section
D. both pipe diameter as well as throat diameter
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
A. current meter
B. venturimeter
C. pitot tube
D. hotwire anemometer
A. discharge
B. velocity of gas
C. pressure intensity of gas
D. pressure intensity of liquid
A. can be zero
B. is never zero
C. is always zero
D. is independent of coordinates
A. steady flow
B. laminar flow
C. uniform flow
D. turbulent flow
A. free vortex motion
B. forced vortex motion
C. free vortex at center and forced vortex outside
D. forced vortex at center and free vortex outside
A. steady flow
B. uniform flow
C. incompressible flow
D. frictionless flow
where pi and p2 are mass densities
A. 1
B. 4/3
C. 2
D. 4
A. 22.5 m/sec
B. 33 m/sec
C. 40 m/sec
D. 90 m/sec
A. a function of temperature only
B. a physical property of the fluid.
C. dependent on the flow
D. independent of the flow