A. Their members have characteristics which separate them from other kingdoms
B. They only include unicellular aquatic eukaryotic organisms
C. They do not develop from Blastula or embryo
D. They contain ancestors for fungi plants & animals
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- Kingdom protista includes_____________phyla?
A. 27
B. 28
C. 26
D. 29 - Organisms of which of the following kingdom have absorptive mode of nutrition______________?
A. Prokaryotae
B. Protoctista
C. Animalia
D. Fungi - Of the following which one is not the characteristic of Kingdom Animalia.
A. All animals are ingestive heterotrophs
B. All animals are eukaryotes
C. All animals develop from the dissimilar gametes i.e. large sperm and small egg.
D. It is largest kingdom. - Kingdom Protoctista includes____________?
A. Fungi
B. Prokaryotes
E. protists
D. Piantae - Kingdom Fungi includes_______________?
A. A cellular, eukaryotic organisms
B. Non-chlorophylls, multicellular eukaiyotlc organisms
C. Non-chlorophylls, multicellular,thailophytic organisms
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A. Carlous Linnaeus
B. E-Chatton
C. Robert Whittaker
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B. Prokaryotae
C. Archae
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B. Bacteria
C. Fungi
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A. Plantae
B. Animalia
C. Protista
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A. It is a porphyrin ring or tetrapyrrole ring structure
B. It is flat, square and light absorbing
C. Composed of carbon and nitrogen atoms with Magnesium as central metal ion, which is coordinated with nitrogen.
D. It is hydrophobic