A. Messages
B. Reflexes
C. Both (A. and (B.
D. None of the (A. and (B.
Author: Neelam Pari
A. God
B. A saint
C. The devil
D. None of these
A. Operant conditioning
C. Self-perception
D. None of these
A. Inappropriate norms
B. Items requiring certain experience
C. Test assume test-taking skills
D. Test givers bias the result
A. On one’s taste buds and the smell, temperature and texture of food
B. Only on one’s taste buds
C. Only on smell and texture of food
D. None of these
A. Correlation coefficient
B. Scientific intuition
C. Statistical analysis
D. None of these
A. Factor analysis
B. Trait
C. Determinism
D. None of these
A. Primary defense mechanism
B. Regression
C. Frustration
D. None of these
A. Mc Cleland
B. Jung
C. Maslow
D. None of these
A. Primary reinforcer
B. Secondary reinforcer
C. None of these
D. All of the above