A. Pro line level
B. Ethylene level
C. Abscisic acid
D. All the above
Related Mcqs:
- Drought resistance is associated with___________________?
A. Biochemical factors
B. Physiological factors
C. Morphological factors
D. all the above - Drought tolerance is associated with ____________________?
A. Deep root system
B. Small waxy and thick leaves
C. Sunken, small and less stomata
D. All of the above - Drought is measured in terms of________________?
A. Yield performance
B. Photosynthesis
C. Root length of seedings
D. All the above - Nutritional quality breeding deals with genetic improvement in__________________?
A. Oil
B. Protein
C. Vitamin
D. All the above - Blackeselee reported the first case of monoploid in__________________?
A. Datura
B. Rye
C. Brassica
D. Oat - Dispersal of seeds by parachute mechanism is present in__________________?
A. Onion
B. Tomato
C. Cotton
D. Sorghum - The ATP formed in__________________?
A. Chloroplast
B. Mitochondna
C. Golgi bodies
D. RNA - Headquarter of union for the protection of new plant varieties is in__________________?
A. Thailand
C. Den nark
D. Switzerland - In potato food is stored in__________________?
A. Root
B. Shoot
C. Leaves
D. Flowers - mitosis is the normal process in a living cell but sudden and abnormal mitosis in an organ will some time result in__________________?
A. Cancer
B. Zygote
C. Gastrula
D. New organ