A. Male sterility
B. Dichiny
C. Herkogamy
D. All the above
Related Mcqs:
- Allogamy leads to___________________?
A. Homozy gosity
B. Heterozy gosity
C. Segregation
D. none of the above - Allogamy is the common form of________________________?
A. Inbreeding
B. Out breeding
C. Syn breeding
D. All the above - The first artificial hybridization in fruit crops was done by____________________?
A. Knight
B. Morgan
C. Fischer
D. Muller - The concept of diallel selective mating was developed by____________________?
A. brim (1966)
B. Jensen (1952)
C. Jensen (1970)
D. Russel (1978) - Concept of triple test cross of analysis was developed by____________________?
A. Kearsey and Jinks (1960)
B. Mather (1949)
C. Anderson (1957)
D. Fisher (1960) - Discriminant function of plant selection was suggested by____________________?
A. Smith (1936)
B. Yates (1947)
C. Griffing (1956)
D. Kempt Horne (1957) - Gamatophytic system of self incompatibility was first discovered by____________________?
A. Frankel (1977)
B. Bresbaker (1958)
C. Hughes and Babceek
D. East and Mangelsdref (1925) - Seed germination in typhoin walermelon can successfully be obtained by____________________?
A. Scarification
B. Seed risking
C. Seed cot removal
D. All the above - The genetic constitution of an orgarusm is denoted by____________________?
A. Phenotype
B. Genotype
C. Allele
D. Genome - The physical appearance of an organism is denoted by____________________?
A. Photocopy
B. Prototype
C. Phenotype
D. Apheliotropic