A. Possessed
B. Owned
C. Controlled
D. Used

Accounting Mcqs
Accounting Mcqs,

Accounting Mcqs for Preparation of various Test announced by Fpsc, kppsc, Nts, ppsc. accounting mcqs for accountant. These Mcqs are very helpful for the Preparation of various posts of Senior Auditor, Junior Auditor, Accountant and for Cost Accountant.

Principles of Accounting, Accounting Equation, Analyzing & Classifying Transaction, Journal, Ledger, Banking Transactions, Cash book and Bank Reconciliation Statement, Bill of Exchange, Capital & Revenue, Rectification of Errors, Final Accounts, Adjustments.



One Comment to “An asset must be _______ by the business to be shown as an asset in its “balance sheet””
  1. In order for an asset to be recognized in the financial statements, it must the following definition laid down in the IASB Framework:

    Asset is a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity (IASB Framework).
    It is worth noting that the framework defines asset in terms of control rather than ownership. While control is generally evidenced through ownership, this may not always be the case. Therefore, an asset may be recognized in the financial statement of the entity even if ownership of the asset belongs to someone else. For instance, if a machine is leased to a company for the entire duration of its useful life, the machine may be recognized in its Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) since the entity has control over the economic benefits that would be derived from the use of the asset. This illustrates the use of Substance Over Form whereby the economic substance of the transaction takes precedence over the legal aspects of a transaction in order to present a true and fair view.


    Since, by definition, an asset must be controlled by the entity in order for it to be recognized in the financial statements, certain ‘Assets’ would not qualify for recognition. Consider a highly dedicated workforce. Generally speaking, a hardworking and motivated workforce is the most valuable asset of any successful company. But does an entity has control over its workers? The answer is no, because an employee may quit an organization any day and seek employment in a rival firm much to the detriment of the company. Therefore, such ‘Assets’ may not be recognized in the financial statements of a company.

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