A. Vertically oriented leaves
B. Horizontally oriented leaves
C. Dropping leaves
D. Twisted leaves
The correct answer to the question: "The heliophytes are characterised by:" is "Vertically oriented leaves ".
A. Vertically oriented leaves
B. Horizontally oriented leaves
C. Dropping leaves
D. Twisted leaves
A. High OP, high K+ conc
B. High OP, low K+ conc
C. Low OP, low K+ conc
D. Low OP, high K+ conc
A. Heliophytes
B. Chasmophytes
C. Chersophytes
D. Sciophytes
A. Low K+ concentration and low O.P
B. High K+ concentration and low O.P
C. Low K+ concentration and high O.P
D. High K+ concentration and high O.P
A. Uniform mesophyll
B. Absence of cuticle
C. Well developed root-shoot systems
D. All of these
A. Mircophylly
B. Pneumatophores and vivipary
C. Absence of aerenchyma
D. Poor water storage
A. Small spiny stem
B. Soft and mucilaginous stem
C. Thick and large leaf
D. None of the above
A. Sand
B. Loam
C. Graved
D. Clay
A. 10? – 15?C
B. 5? – 10?C
C. 20? – 25?C
D. 30? – 40?C
A. Oxylophytes
B. Lithophytes
C. Eremophytes
D. Psilophytes
A. Blocks
B. Clods
C. Peds
D. Plates
The correct answer to the question: "The heliophytes are characterised by:" is "Vertically oriented leaves ".
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