A. Two reasons
B. Short run
C. Three reasons
D. Natural Sciences
Statistics Mcqs
Statistics Mcqs for the Prepration of FPSC Tests, PSC Tests, NTS Test. Here you will find Basic statistics mcqs , data, Sample, population, Measure of dispersion, Measure of central tendency, Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics etc.
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A. Short run
B. Long run
C. Medium period
D. None of these
A. Long run
B. Plural sense
C. indefinite
D. Short run
A. Two ways
B. Four ways
C. Six ways
D. Three way
A. variable
B. Attribute
C. Constant
D. None of these
A. Fisher
B. unavoidable
C. Feet
D. Achenwall
A. Inferential
B. Descriptive
C. Collection
D. Two
A. Biology
B. Three reasons
C. Hands
D. Physics
A. In each case
B. Average
C. Facts
D. Field
A. One
B. Four
C. More than value
D. Resindent