A. reverse socialization
B. face-work
C. studied nonobservance
D. anticipatory socialization
A. George Herbert Mead
B. Charles Horton Cooley
C. Erving Goffman
D. Harry Harlow
A. is one social phenomenon that has changed little over time
B. is less bureaucratic than it was in the past
C. is a biological event with no associated social reality?
D. requires a new definition of self
A. sex
B. love and work
C. socialization
D. preparation for death
A. introspective rejuvenation
B. self-ethnography
C. social comparisons
D. none of the above
A. nonverbal communication constitutes the majority of a message in communication
B. verbal communication is more important than touch and touch is more important than artifacts in communicating a message
C. definitions of the situation differ, and common understanding is impossible
D. if situations are defined as real they are real in their consequences
A. culture
B. definition of the situation
C. social communication
D. socialization
A. Self
B. rudimentary personality
C. Language
D. None of these
A. Biology being the major constraints does not allow any change in human nature hence socialization does not change much of human individual nature
B. Individual is the product of social group within which he is socialized
C. The nature-nurture controversy has ended in favor of nurture and the bio-sociologists have failed to promote their thesis
D. None of these
A. school
B. family
C. television
D. peer group