A. high and low
B. broad and narrow
C. old and new
D. None of these
Sociology Mcqs
Sociology Mcqs for Preparation of FPSC Test, PPSC Test, SPSC Test,KPPSC Test,BPSC Test,PTS ,OTS,GTS,JTS,CTS. Important Mcqs from Past Papers for Lecturer Test Preparation.
A. Socialization at primary school level
B. Socialization at home
C. Socialization in early life, as a child
D. None of these
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Developmental socialization
D. None of these
A. Culture
B. Socialization
C. Association
D. None of these
A. salons
B. newspapers
C. universities
D. television
A. bureaucracy
B. networks
C. hierarchy
D. conglomerates
A. rational through
B. social capital
C. cultural capital
D. political awareness
A. traditional take-off drive to maturity high mass consumption
B. traditional drive to maturity high mass consumption take-off
C. traditional state intervention high mass consumption take-off
D. traditional dependency modernization take-off
A. the main dynamic of modern development is capitalist economics
B. modern societies are in transition towards a socialist model
C. rationalization is bound to progress further in all spheres of life
D. all history is the history of class struggles
A. discovery
B. invention
C. diffusion
D. All of the above