A. block the action of dopamine
B. facilitate the action of dopamine
C. increase levels of dopamine
D. decrease levels of dopamine
Psychological Disorders and their Treatment
Psychological Disorders and their Treatment
A. they are potentially harmful and dangerous to others
B. they resist the attempts of others to offer help
C. their serve hallucinations make reasoning with them impossible
D. psychiatric hospitals are primarily for psychotics
A. anxieties
B. dissociation’s
C. phobias
D. obsessions
A. generalized anxiety disorder
B. sociopathy
C. psychosis
D. a nervous breakdown
A. focused on a specific situation
B. related to ordinary life stresses
C. greatly out of proportion to the situation
D. based on a physical cause
A. adolescents
B. young adults
C. the middle aged
D. the elderly
A. Will have a 46 percent chance of becoming schizophrenic
B. Will be no more likely than anyone else to become schizophrenic
C. is almost sure to become schizophrenic
D. is also likely to have more than one personality
A. the avoidance paradox
B. learned habits of self- defeating behavior
C. forbidden impulses that threaten a loss of control
D. the development of a faulty or inaccurate self – image and distorted self – perceptions
A. as a result of combat exhaustion
B. in adulthood as a response to unremitting phobias
C. as a consequence of post – traumatic stress disorders
D. in childhood as a result of unbearable experiences
A. functional psychosis
B. paranoia
C. general paresis
D. senile dementia