A. Implied Powers
B. Bill of Rights
C. Executive agreements
D. Judicial Review
USA Constitution
USA Constitution
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
A. Imperialism
B. Agrarianism
C. Mercantilism
D. Socialism
A. The federal party
B. Democratic Republic party
C. Conservative party
D. None of these
C. Spain
D. None of these
A. Party central committee meeting
B. Party parliamentary committee meeting
C. Party national conventions
D. None of these
A. Two stages of presidential election
B. There stages of presidential election
C. Four stages of presidential election
D. None of these
A. Three tests on a presidential candidate
B. Two tests on a presidential candidate
C. No test on presidential candidate
D. None of these
A. Ratification of 2/3 members of the state
B. Ratification by 3/4 legislatures of the state
C. Ratification by 1/5 legislatures of the state
D. None of these
A. Democaratic centralism
B. Democratic de-centralism
C. Popular sovereignty
D. None of these