A. The Present Committee
B. The Country Committee
C. The Congress District Committee
D. The National Committee
USA Constitution
USA Constitution
A. 1789
B. 1800
C. 1804
D. None of these
A. Mr. Washington
B. Mr. Franklin Roosevelt
C. Mr. Thomas Jefferson
D. None of these
A. Mr. Washington
B. Mr. Thomas Jefferson
C. Mr. Alexander Hamilton
D. None of these
A. Republicans
B. Cavaliers
C. Democrats
D. Round heads
A. Republicans
B. Democrats
C. Cavaliers
D. Round heads
A. Federalists
B. Anti-Federalists
C. Republicans
D. None of these
A. Federalists
B. Anti-Federalists
C. Democrats
D. None of these
A. One party system
B. One dominant party system
C. Two party system
D. Multi Party system
A. Sandra Day O Connor
B. Madam Helliary
C. Hallen
D. Non of these