A. The presidium of the republic
B. The supreme soviet of the republic
C. Republican congress
D. None of them
U.S.S.R Constitution
U.S.S.R Constitution
A. Every republic had the right to make its own constitution
B. Every republic had the power to have commerce with foreign countries
C. Every republic had the power to leave USSR
D. None of them
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. Capitalism
D. None of them
A. The constitution of 1918
B. The constitution of 1924
C. The constitution of 1945
D. None of them
A. The constitution of 1918
B. The constitution of 1924
C. The constitution of 1936
D. None of them
A. A President
B. A Chairman
C. A Speaker
D. None of them
A. 20 years of age
B. 22 years of age
C. 24 years of age
D. None of them
A. By supreme soviets
B. By soviets of republics
C. By soviets of nationalities
D. None of them
A. By secretary general of CPSU
B. By president of USSR
C. By supreme soviets
D. None of them
A. Simple majority of the chamber
B. Not less than 2/3 majority of both the chambers
C. 2/3 majority of only soviets nationalities
D. None of them