A. The House of Lords
B. The Queen-in-Parliament
C. The Queen
D. The Courts
Sovereignty Of State
Sovereignty Of State
A. Two Treatises on Government
B. Lectures on Jurisprudence
C. Early History of Institutions
D. Modern State
A. T.H. Green
B. Hobhouse
C. Laski
D. Grotius
A. Austin
B. Bodin
C. G.D.H.Cole
D. Henry Maine
A. John Austin
B. Grotius
C. Oppenheim
D. Bentham
A. Real sovereign
B. Political sovereign
C. Popular sovereignty
D. None of the above
A. The courts, which decide the disputes
B. The constitution of a country
C. The body which possesses supreme law making powers
D. The Head of the State
A. Rousseau
B. TH.Green
C. Austin
D. Bodin
A. Plato
B. John Lacke
C. Rousseau
D. Austin
A. The Greeks
B. The English
C. The Romans
D. Indians