A. The prosperity of the society
B. The development of society
C. The weakening of society
D. None of the above
A. Legal Theory of Property
B. Socialistic Theory of Property
C. Idealistic Theory of Property
D. Natural Theory of Property
A. A natural instinct
B. An unnatural instinct
C. A base-instinct
D. None of the above
A. Laski
B. Bryce
C. J.S. Mill
D. Barker
A. It leads to division of society into two hostile classes
B. It encourages self-interest at the cost of social interest
C. It encourages scramble for power and wealth in place of nutual co-operation
D. It leads to political instability
A. Opposed to all kinds of property
B. Opposed only to personal property
C. Opposed only to private property
D. In favour of both personal as well as private property
A. J.S. Mill
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Adam Smith
D. Karl Marx
A. Karl Marx
B. Engels
C. Stalin
D. Lenin
A. Karl Marx
B. Proudhon
C. J.S. Mill
D. Engels
A. Das Capital
B. Communist Manifesto
C. State and Revolution
D. The Origin of Family Private property and the State