A. The President
B. The Prime Minister
C. By draw of lots
D. On the basis of the preference indicated by ministers
Parliamentary and Presidential Systems
Parliamentary and Presidential Systems
A. The President
B. The Speaker
C. The ministers in rotation
D. The Prime Minister
A. Elected by all the members of the legislature
B. Always the leader of the majority party in the popular house
C. Nominated by the interests of the country
D. Selected in due consultation with the different political parties
A. The King
B. The Prime Minister
C. The President
D. The Cabinet
A. A member of the popular house
B. A member of the upper house
C. Not a member of either houses of Parliament
D. An experienced civil servant
A. In it secretaries are real policy makers
B. It it secretaries work on equal footings with the President
C. In it secretaries work on the basis of joint responsibilities
D. In it secretaries are subordinates of President.
A. Democracy
B. Federal
C. Unitary
D. Presidential
E. Parliamentary
A. Cabinet
B. Cabinet secretary
C. By Lower House
D. Upper House
E. Head of the state
A. In U.S.A.
B. In U.K.
C. In Pakistan
D. In Bangladesh
E. None of the above
A. The legislature
B. The nominal executive
C. The judiciary
D. None of the above