A. Bureaucrats
B. Priests
C. Syndicates
D. Capitalists
Nature Theories and State Function
Nature Theories and State Function
A. Imposing of taxes
B. Interfering in the religion of the people
C. Giving education to the people
D. Protecting one class of people against the other
A. Opening educational institutions
B. Giving justice to the people
C. Preserving life of the people
D. Preserving law and order
A. A means of revolution
B. Class instrument
C. A welfare agency
D. A law-making agency
A. Maintenance of law and order
B. Collection of maximum revenues
C. Punishing of the criminals
D. To maintain good transport system
A. Equality of status
B. Social Justice.
C. Equality before law
D. Liberty of worship
E. Courts have power of judicial interpretation
A. Locke
B. Rousseau
C. Hegel
D. Montesquieu
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Spencer
D. Montesquieu
E. G.B. Vico
A. Hegel
B. Grotius
C. J.S. Mill
D. James Mill
A. Organic theory
B. Idealist theory
C. Anarchist theory
D. Socialist theory
E. Syndicalists theory