A. Interference in the religion of the people
B. Restrictions on economic activities
C. Protection of an particular class of citizens
D. Putting of restrictions on the sale of intoxicating drugs
E. Protecting of citizens from foreign aggressions
Nature Theories and State Function
Nature Theories and State Function
A. Syndicalists
B. Welfare liberals
C. Socialists
D. Marxists
E. Guild socialists
A. Fascists
B. Guild Socialists
C. Anarchists
D. Syndicalists
E. Nazis
A. Theocratic
B. ascist
C. Anarchist theory
D. Secular
E. Absolutist
A. Burgess
B. Bluntschli
C. Tucker
D. Sorel
E. Duguit
A. It aims at abolotion of private property
B. It aims at promoting freedom of individual
C. It aims at the abolotion of state
D. It aims at establishment of dictatorship of the proletariat
A. It means doing what one wants to do
B. It means obeying the orders of the state
C. It means obeying the commands of the Pope
D. It means development of all the powers latent in a man
A. It should hinder hindrances
B. Individual is the best judge of his interests
C. It is enemy of the interests of the individuals
D. Rights of the individual are natural
E. Rights of the individual are social
A. To maintain law and order
B. To own means of production
C. To regulate working hours of workers
D. To remove social evils
E. To promote religion
A. It should help in the abolition of private property
B. It should help in the aboliition of state
C. It should aim at abolition of educational institutions
D. It should aim at promoting material welfare of the individual