A. Does not impose any restriction on individual liberty
B. Restricts individual liberty
C. Has nothing to do with liberty
D. Allows only economic liberty
Nature Theories and State Function
Nature Theories and State Function
A. Principle of equal taxation
B. Taxing only the industrialists
C. Graded taxation
D. No taxation
A. A necessary evil
B. An instrument of exploitation
C. A divine institution
D. A positive good
A. Free competition
B. Regulation of means of production and distribution
C. Non-interference in the economic activities
D. Multi-nationals
A. Kroptikan
B. Marx
C. Robert Owen
D. Bentham
A. G.D.H. Cole
B. C.E.M.Joad
C. T.H.Green
D. H.J.Laski
A. Leaving the individual completely free
B. Assigning only police functions to state
C. Provision of maximum opportunities of progress to all members of the community
D. Raising the living standard of the poor and down-trodden
A. Free economic competition
B. Social control of the means of production and distribution
C. Class-struggle
D. Abolition of state
A. Establish a just and equitable society
B. Perpetuate existing class distinctions
C. Do away with the institution of the state
D. Establish a stateless and classless society
A. Political liberty
B. Economic equality
C. Right to private property
D. Independence of judiciary