A. He wanted the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people
B. He stood for legal reforms
C. He wanted status quo in educational system
D. He wanted changes in the electoral system
A. MacGovern
B. Schumpeter
C. Sartori
D. Robert A. Dahl
E. None of the above
A. It advocates individual liberty
B. It stands for equality among citizens
C. It is champion of democracy
D. It upholds seculatism
E. It wants abolition of private property
A. Liberal philosophy of free trade
B. Improved conditions of the workers
C. Improved conditions of the workers
D. Change in the approach of capitalists towards workers
A. Rights of the individual
B. Free trade
C. The ideal of the secular state
D. Right to national self determination
E. A stateless society
A. It laid stress on dignity of individual
B. It emphasised on rationality
C. It believed that freedom was absence of restraints
D. It cared least for capitalists and maximum for the welfare of common man
E. It treated state as a necessary evil
A. He supported constitutional government
B. He wanted limitations on state sovereignty
C. He wanted limited rights for the individuals
D. He considered individual prior to state
A. Laski
B. Montesquieu
C. Thomas Paine
D. Rousseau
E. American Declaration of Independence
A. It champions the cause of constitutional government
B. It has faith in secularism
C. It supports constitutional government
D. It supports concentration of powers
E. It struggles for human freedom
A. It is opposed to blind faith
B. Development of human personality is state aim
C. Man is means and state is an end in itself
D. State is artificial and not natural institution