A. Anti-democratic views
B. Non-violence
C. Love for religion
D. Love for human rights
A. War should be condemned
B. War is an evil and should be brushed aside
C. War is necessary evil
D. War is a curse on society
E. War is health of society
A. Peaceful means
B. Violent means
C. Peaceful means need to bring changes
D. Changes will come of their own
A. Laski
B. Hitler
C. Mussolini
D. Stalin
E. Napoleon
A. Single party system
B. Bi-party system
C. Multi-party system
D. None of These
A. Mussolini
B. Hitler
C. Karl Marx
D. Stalin
E. Lenin
A. Bitterly opposed by the capitalists
B. Tolerated by the Capitalists
C. Assisted by the capitalists
D. None of the above
A. Majority rule
B. Rule of law
C. Rule of elites
D. Personal dictatorship of one man
A. Partyless government
B. Single party government
C. Bi-party system
D. Multi-party system
A. An instrument of exploitation
B. An embodiment of justice and virtue
C. A class structure
D. Superfluous