A. Every adult citizen has right to take part in elections
B. Every adult citizen has a right to occupy and political office
C. Every citizen has equality before law
D. Every citizen has a right to criticise government
E. Every citizen has a right to work
A. That they are rich
B. That they are educated
C. That they have influence in the masses
D. That they have control over economic activity
E. That they are an organised minority
A. The society is divided between the upper and lower stratas
B. There are governing and non-governing elites in society
C. The people are the real sovereign in society
D. Governing elites are very capable people
E. The elites run and govern democracy
A. In it people are sovereign
B. In it working classes govern
C. In it rich and poor cooperate really with each other
D. In it propertied adults have right to elect their representatives
A. Hobhouse
B. Barker
C. Lindsay
D. G.D.H. Cole
E. Burham
A. Pareto
B. Laski
C. Michels
D. Burham
A. It believes that in it real power is with voters
B. It believes that the people are the real sovereign
C. It believes that power is used by a small group of elites
D. It believes that the judiciary is real power in the state
E. It believes that in it public opinion is the moving force
A. Capitalists
B. Guld socialists
C. Utilitarian
D. Communists
E. None of the above
A. It is based on the concept of common good, which is vague
B. It denies the freedom of expression to a common man
C. It believes that power does not rest with small elites of society
D. It does not suggest concrete means for implementing fundamental values.
A. J.S.Mill
B. T.H.Green
C. Laski
D. MacIver
E. Bakunin